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    Topics || Problems

    Chris drives from city A to City B on an expressway. After driving for 2.5 hrs, Chris saw a sign that reads City A-225 km: City B-198 km. Continuing at the same constant speed, what is his total travel time from City A to City B?

    • \(V = \frac{s}{t}\)
    • After 2.5 hrs of driving, he also traveled 225 kilometers. Thus his velocity is \(V = \frac{225}{2.5} = 90 kPh\)
    • If that is his speed then he can travel the remaining distance by t, hours: \(t = \frac{s}{V}\) \( t= \frac{198}{90}\)
      t = 2.2 hrs
    • Thus the total distance traveled is: \(t_t = 2.2 + 2.5 = 4.7 hrs\)